Tattoo Topography


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As a child I wanted to be a cartographer
Loved the lines, mercurial borders, soft colors,
the blue veins running through
the skin of the land,
All the places that could be home

A woman on the plane asks if I am Stacy
Well sheltered in a sweatshirt and jeans,
a marbled bun, I remember what it is
to be an anonymous blonde

Rarely mistaken for another now
the map slow crawls along my body
Hues route from curve to edge
An elephant that knew the circularity of
passage long before we were born
Dripping beads of purple berries
that get fuller every time I inhale,
the botany of abundance
A human heart with its thickest left ventricle
taking in little deaths and pumping out lilies,
so many lilies, milk of humility and devotion
There is a barn burning,
clean to the ground
The moon shines through the smoke
It is hard to tell if the butterfly is gunning
for the light or away from the smoke
In this wilderness are skulls of crow and deer,
the goddess whose name means fort,
difficult to overrun, fierce,
and unattainable
Three eyes, neurons, a sextant for the seas
and words writing themselves over and over
Revel, Action, Grace,
Born Ready, Now,
Now I can See

Bless the lover who knows to run his fingers
along the terrain slowly enough to chart
the stories in his blood
I took Spirit and injected it
under the most surface organ
What I am saying is,
this is a breathing invitation to travel
this is a tributary that leads to the ocean
this is a blueprint to the moon
and back



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Christmas Eve thoughts:
-An airport alarm going off for an hour and a baby wailing on a plane for an hour are bizarrely similar.
-I wonder if anyone’s reading fluctuates between exercise technique (scapular retraction baby) and poetry (I thought the pain meant I was not loved. It meant I loved.) as much as mine…
-Sunsets from a plane are gorgeous.
-Elderly Uber drivers who fled Czechloslovakia to own an electrical engineering company for 30 years to sell it to now drive cars to not sit at home and watch the “stupid box” are awesome.
– I wear real clothes so infrequently I feel like I’m undercover when I do. Undercover for what I’m not sure.

Post Christmas thoughts:
-If you eat enough carbs in a short amount of time you actually will crave spinach and eggs the next day.
– The crazy amount of stimulus that babies take in from the world with fresh eyes is apparent and a lovely reminder to speak less, blink hard, and really SEE.
– Spending extra time driving around and around airport terminals listening to Adele can be the best time ever with the right person. The little things.
– Corporate chains have made cities unfortunately similar.
– I would like to think of America more as land and less as politics.
– If you act with integrity long enough your body physically won’t let you do otherwise. Practice greatness.



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I thought I was a field wide and green
But I took a walk with you and unfolded
Spilled out the sides of myself until I was the sky
Can’t see where the blue ends and heart begins
We shed our smallness like seasons
But value little things more
My face humbled by your touch
Turns toward your eyes
The glory blinds me to all that is not beautiful
Surrender is giving all away
Only to be filled with
Something better



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Every day my eyes barter and flirt with the Sun
I have all the power of reason and light
Shed symbols and heaving pieces
of faraway earth and stone
Have chanced great purpose in my legs
Made a life out of lifting
heavy things and putting them down
This is not an accident.

Every night my lids get heavy
and my lashes inevitably bow to the Moon
I slide out of myself and into the sky
My relentless fingers fondle
for the be here now
The prophet in my chest will have none of it
And night after night I find myself
In the airport, life in a bag
heart on a sleeve
arriving and arriving
and arriving

The universe responds to the question, “After all this practice shouldn’t my heart be proficient with knowing?”


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Know only that the more you know
The farther you probably are from the truth
Know it will not be conventional
It will never be easy
Blink the romance from your eyelashes
Shake the poems from your ears
That is not your life.

Tighten your laces. Stand up taller.
You are a warrior
And anytime you assume otherwise
You will be sent into battle.

As a vehicle for Grace
You spread the light
You keep going
There will be no place to rest your head
For long
You will stare at your 10 fingers,
Baffled. And you will
Keep on,
And keep on.



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For New Zealand, Part II

Under the earth’s surface, caves,
irregular formations, slow drip and crystallization.
Hundreds of years pass before the spires diving down
and the spires forging up kiss.
Decades of autonomy before collision.
Not looking for something does not mean not finding it.
What seems unimaginable before it happens,
seems inevitable once it does.

I wonder if there is anything more beautiful
than the movement from complicated to simple.
The wind is peeling fruitless layers off me
I watch these accomplices to Identity
hover in the air, then fall.
They will never survive the ocean.
We have to carry on, bare heart
Poetry is embedded in the walkway here,
what better use for words than to support action

Sleep is a raw compass magnetizing
to the Southeast and I keep slipping, slipping,
To the place without a map where Knowing reminisces
on old history and decisions made in silence.
I am on a pilgrimage to morning
where I get to explore the surface of things,
aware that although I arrived from elsewhere
It is all right here.



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For New Zealand

The spirit finds home everywhere
Struggles to remember the meaning of foreign
The fault line of my pelvis shifts, drops wide and deep
slow rocks and cradles
moss and mud
heavy and rooted with Earth
Understand why we call her Mother
My hands move through the air differently
In slow motion and delicate.
Under these rolling green blankets
there are riverbeds, caves, full cathedrals,
Glowworms on a 9 month journey to becoming flies
Only to be born with no mouths, two days to mate
and then to die of starvation
I too contemplate no words, two bodies and hunger.
Lean In
Embrace the utter surrender of not knowing
To uncover how much we know
It is less of a beginning and more a spiral of the unfurling,
Your whole path could only
but lead you here.



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The recklessness of water
To be afraid of what we are primarily made of
To come face to wave
With our own significance
Or lack thereof
Fluidity and grace or
Crash and swallow
Floating or sinking
Cleansing or washing away
It’s here in this wading
This waiting

Look back to shore
See how much farther we’ve moved away
From the things we knew
Than we thought

I Am Not a Muse


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I am a fortress of bone and organs
with gates of teeth and curtains of hair
muscles that tear and rebuild daily
a heart that falters, praises, and inhales
the ache and adoration like everyone
But I have prepared, I have trained
I have fastened my spirit to these walls
When war is waged on my skin
I have a brigade of courage and truth
My front line is always armed
with the big picture
I am more warrior than enchanter
You will retreat from the battlefield
stained with red and light
and every time you think of me
your heart will jump, you will blink
and be blinded by the  h i g h e s t



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the heart radiates like a drunk firefly
the light flickers sometimes
appears to disappear
we equate the dark with its absence
it is a most savage battle
thinking we are our thoughts
herds of parched beggars thirsting for our identities
diminishing the gods in our blood
the listening in our pores
the cosmic beat in our chests wouldn’t harmonize
with light if light wasn’t our home
our bodies are talking
be silent enough to honor its language
the deep knowing that curls from the nerves out
the yearn and ache we tuck in the darkest
pyramids of our organs are whispering
from cell to cell and digging up
their own graves
we sleep so our gratitude can run around
without us and leave wordless poems
on lovers doorsteps
we wake sometimes so raw
with a kiss   a white light   a humming  in our eyes